Saturday, February 9, 2008


Murv made quick progress on the house while I was either nannying or off doing family retreats in exciting places like Jackson Hole and Avalon New Jersey, and visiting family and meeting all the new babies in the johnson clan. Aside from rain and chiggers and marital power struggles and communication issues, we were having fun experimenting with foil dinners and making new friends and getting settled in our community, and patiently wading through all the challenges that seemed to be manifesting in our life together.
One friend profesied: this will be the test of fire-- it will either break you, or make you so strong nothing can break you..." Little did we know how true this would prove to be-- and only now is the fire SORT of starting to die down-- but hey-- we are STILL hanging on!


susan said...

way to go woman!

I love these pics. you are two beauty-full people.

more belly pics please. :)


Jeannette said...

Leave it to you and Murv to plunge headfirst into that fire . . .
