Monday, December 8, 2008

Morning Goodness

Now listen to me. I am not a big fan of breakfast. I truly have to be in the mood and I still have not figured out what gets me there-- BUT If you like oatmeal AT ALL. you are gonna wanna make this recipe. I got it from my friend Lissa. We met in kindergarten. She had the best art projects of anybody in the class (and I aspired to be just like her in my artistic abilities--but to no avail-- my best art comes out in the kitchen). And she was really nice. We are still friends.We were cruelly seperated in elementary school but we were reunited again in junior high again-- and i know for sure she helped me survive Drama, PE (both of which were terrifying to me) and Orchestra (which was traumatizing for other reasons we don't need to go into).We even got to be roommates at college for awhile. Do you have any friends that you have had for THAT lONG? Lissa is truly my oldest (other than my sibs) and one of my dearest friends. And she is still a great artist! She even got a dgree in it. But she is also really fun to cook with and talk about books and just life in general. So this one goes out to Lissa who is so busy with her three kids she probably won't even have time to read this for a long time!

I've decided to name it
Lissa's Delectable Baked Oatmeal Yumminess (she and her kids have thier own name for it but I can't remember what it is)

In a bowl mix together all of the following ingredients:

3 c. regular oats
3/4 c. brown sugar
1/4 c. butter
**2 eggs
2 c. milk
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 apple grated
1/2 c. coconut

then you can add craisins, raisins, bluberries, or any other dried fruit and you can add seeds and nuts-- I used chopped up raw almonds (since i'm ALLERGIC to walnuts--did you know that about me?) and threw in craisins (because I do not- as a rule- like baked raisins).
I also threw in some coconut milk.

Butter a 13x9 pan and dump it all in
Bake at 375 for 25 minutes (mine took more like 35 minutes)
pour milk over it and eat this in a bowl! mmmmmmmmmm

**did you know that if you don't have eggs or don't want to use them you can sub appplesauce (which a lot of you bakers already know) OR you can grind up one heaping tablespoon of whole flaxseeds and blend until it becomes a fine powder. Add 1/4 cup cold water blend 2-3 minutes until thickened and has the consistency of eggs. Each 1/4 cup of Flax seed mixture will replace one egg in baking. I have tried this and it really works!

Let me know if you tried this goodness and if you like it as much as I do.
And now you know at least a few new things about me.
P.S. I got tagged by my other friend Susan so stay tuned for my next post...
(p.p.s. there is a link to Ezra's blog now in my sidebar if you want to check it out)


Aly said...

Yum!! I can't wait to try it. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds really tasty. The recipe is practically like you're making oatmeal cookies but then you just eat it hot in a bowl w/ milk. Toby always subs applesauce for oil, too.. I didn't know that you could do it w/ eggs. SOUNDS DELISH.

The Johnson Journey said...

That sounds delicious. And I AM a breakfast person. :)

Marc said...

Oh my hanna! That was so tasty this morning. I suppose it makes sense if it is just like the cookie. I put frozen berries on top. Mmmmm mmmm. Thank you!